Syllabus Quiz

  • Due No due date
  • Points 5
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None


Read through the syllabus below and answer the quiz questions.  You can also find the syllabus on the syllabus tab


Johnson High School Science Department

3305 Poplar Springs Road, Gainesville, GA 30507 

Astronomy Syllabus 2020 -2021


Instructor: Jami Brownlee

Room: 205

Telephone: 770-536-2394 (JHS Front Office)

Email: (Preferred method of contact)

Prerequisite: Environmental Science, Biology, Physics


Course Description:

Provides students with an introduction to concepts of modern astronomy, the origin, and history of the Universe and formation of Earth and solar system. Students will compare the Earth's properties with those of the other planets and explore how the heavens have influenced human thought and action. Includes a description of astronomical phenomena using laws of physics; planets, stars, Milky Way and other galaxies, and black holes. Explores esoteric questions concerning the origin of the universe, its evolution and fate. Requires use of sophomore-high level mathematics.


Physics Course Objectives:

SAST1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the validity of historical theories of astronomy. 

SAST2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain astronomical observations made from the point of reference of Earth. 

SAST3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to illustrate the formation of the solar system and the properties of celestial objects within it.

SAST4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe the scientific view of the origin of the universe, the evolution of matter, and the development of galaxies.

SAST5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the connections between mass, gravity, and fusion with respect to the life cycle of stars.

SAST6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to discuss how the past, current, and future explorations of space impact our investigations of the connections between cosmic phenomena and conditions necessary for life.


Required Materials: 

  • Chromebook and Charger
  • Pencils with lead and erasers
  • Composition Notebook
  • Protractor
  • School agenda


Grading: Each graded assignment will be given a different point value.  

Grade=earned points/total points x 100%

Final Exam: The final exam is 20% of your total grade. 

Final Grade=(Yearly Avg x 0.8)+(Final Grade x 0.2)

Typical Point Values:   Mini-Test: 20 to 50, Labs: 10 to 30, Daily Grades: 4 per day, Homework: 2-10


Mondays: Walk-ins to the media center 4 – 5 pm

Tuesdays/Thursday: By appointment only

Grading Criteria/Infinite Campus:

Students and parents have access to updated grades on a weekly basis via Infinite Campus All students and parents are strongly encouraged to obtain their personal access codes in the front office during school hours.


  1. All students must exhibit behavior according to the Knights Creed: Be Honest, Be Respectful, Be Personally Responsible. You are blessed with Talent, use it to make a Positive Difference. Abide by all school and county policies.  Refer to your agenda.
    1. Cheating or plagiarized work:
      1. 1st Occurrence: Zero in IC with opportunity to redo assignment. 
      2. 2nd Occurrence: Zero in IC with no opportunity to redo assignment. 1 day ISS
      3. 3rd Occurrence: Zero in IC with no opportunity to redo assignment. 2 days ISS
    1. Students are responsible for themselves, their grades, their work, and their belongings
    2. Restroom breaks: Restroom breaks should be taken during class change. **None in the first ten or last ten minutes of class. Students will receive 8 bathroom passes. Students are not allowed to visit the vending machines during class.
    3. Technology: Cellphones and other technology are not allowed during class time unless specified by Ms. Brownlee.
      1. 1st Occurrence: Phone is asked to be put away or on charge away from student. 
      2. 2nd Occurrence: Phone is taken up for the remainder of class.
      3. 3rd Occurrence: Phone is taken up for the remainder of the day. You may pick it up after 3:35 pm. 
    4. Attendance:  It is your responsibility to get all make-up work.  School policy says that you have 5 days from when you return to make up work. 
      1. Canvas: All work will be posted on canvas and is available for students that are absent. Paper copies of handouts will be available in the classroom in a designated area. Ask a friend about topics and notes missed, check all dues dates, and turn in work within 5 days of being absent. Check the class daily folders for worksheets, activities, and notes.
      1. Test: All tests will be announced in advance. Students are responsible for attending on test days. Tests will not be delayed for absences unless arranged prior to the test. Refer to your agenda regarding taking tests/turning in assignments when absent with no advance notice.  
      2. Make-up Work:  Abide by all school and county policies.  
      3. Late Assignments:  All assignments must be submitted. Points will be awarded based on the amount of time the assignment is late. 
    5. ID Badges:  IDs must be worn AT ALL TIMES and will be checked at the beginning of each class period.
    1. Be Honest. Students are expected to be honest regarding all aspects including academics and act with integrity when dealing with administration, teachers, and other students. 
    2. Be Respectful.  Please show respect and consideration to all people in this class.  Listen when your instructor or other students are talking. Do not talk during announcements.
    3. Be Personally Responsible.  Have your notebook and a writing utensil with you every day. You should be in your seat when the bell rings. You will begin the warmup as soon as you enter the room. You are responsible for keeping up with your textbook if you check one out.  ***You must pay for lost or damaged textbooks.

You are blessed with Talent, use it to make a Positive Difference. Students are not expected to know everything but they are expected to work to their maximum potential. This course is designed to be rigorous and thought-provoking. Bring your “A Game”!

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes